Which Banner?
written at 9:08 pm on Friday, Jun. 27, 2003

I am debating on what my banners should be, so this entry will serve as a poll. PLEASE help me out and select which banner you like most, then tell me what you've picked by leaving me a comment. Thanks! Oh, and read my updates!

Image 1: Crayon Box

Image 2: Michael Vartan

Image 3: Reject

Image 4: Eccentric

Image 5: Not Sane

Image 6: Sharin' the Love

Image 7: The Meggin Matrix I

Image 8: The Meggin Matrix II

Image 9: Fiorile I

Image 10: Fiorile II

Image 11: Fiorile III

Image 12: That's French

Image 13: A Woman's Wrath

Image 14: Feminists Rule

Image 15: A Lonely Pawn

Image 16: It's French

Image 17: None Will Succeed

Image 18: Medication

Image 19: Lose Weight

And while you're looking at banners, please link to me on your site! I have four so far, so feel free to submit some:

Thanks everyone!

Miss. Meggin

12 comments so far

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New Entries - Monday, Feb. 02, 2004
Miss Meggin is back, Kiddies! - Sunday, Oct. 26, 2003
The Musings of an Insignificant Freshling - Tuesday, Sept. 02, 2003
No Internet - Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003
Design Portfolio - Friday, Aug. 08, 2003

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