
Dawn from www - 2003-07-12 14:46:55
hey girl. i am so happy to hear all of this. i wanted to hug you when i read this. lol oh! and i am one of those annoying d-landers who skips from subject to subject! anyways. i am happy for you. if you keep down this path you will be so happy. and if you ever need someone to talk to i am here. k well i need to add an entry but i luv ya lots and hope you have a great day!
Poppy from www - 2003-07-12 18:43:33
Hey, now. I'm one of those stupid diaryland writers who skips subjects. It's an addiction. Let's be sensitive, shall we? Other than the gutwrenching slight, though, I did like this entry. I'll certainly read more.
Britt from www - 2003-07-12 23:22:23
Hey.. just checkin back to make sure everything was ok.. haven't read u in a while.. Have a good day =)
Ness from www - 2003-07-13 16:09:27
Hey, I am one of those stupid people also! But nevermind that. I just went to my buddy list and decided to check on you. I know what that's like to want to be happy and not depressed. Maybe I don't feel exactly how you feel, but I can relate. Before I deleted most of my entries last summer, I was and still am questioning my feelings. I hope that you can feel better about yourself in time. As for caring about yourself, there's nothing really wrong with long as you don't act too self centered. I've done that before and it wasn't pretty. Anyway, before I say something else that sounds stupid, I just wanted to say that I liked this entry and if you want to talk, I'm here also. And to prove my point that I am changing the subject... I saw my link and I just want to say thank you! I also saw that you got your own weather pixie--cute! Okay, now I am really going to go. Try to have a good day.

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