
Lisa from www - 2003-07-01 16:30:15
I understand exactly what you are going through, only in my diary, I could never find the right words to say it all in. I don't know of much else to say, but I just would like you to know that there is someone out there who cares...
Elf from www - 2003-07-03 16:27:51
hey hun, ya can't spell, it's "psycho". anyway, i know because it's a word i use a lot about myself too. maybe i sound like a bitch just now, but ... i know just where you're coming from, 'bout the controlling mother part and the lack of computer time anyway. i have my own computer but it's hard for me to get internet time - my parents used to limit me to "5 minutes" (cept i always took more) - now i'm living here it's better cept i have to pay. and i'm unemployed (hehe, i'm a "job seeker" is what they call it here). i've never been abused so don't know where u're coming from on that one, but i can sympathise if not empathise. btw, i found u're diary thru raven's, so u got some publicity, lol. anyway, don't ever be ashamed of being depressed, it's not something shameful, it's not your fault and you gotta believe that. it's all due to a chemical imbalance in your brain. depression is shit. that's all. elf

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